Why Starting Resistance Training Matters at Every Stage of Life
Contrary to popular belief, there isn't a specific age at which we suddenly need to pump the brakes on our fitness endeavours. Instead, it's essential to recognise that our bodies evolve over time, and our approach to exercise should evolve with them. Whether you're in your 20s, 40s, or beyond, starting slowly and smartly is key to ensuring a safe and sustainable fitness journey.
Momentary muscular failure versus repetitions-in-reserve
Should you train until you can't possibly do another rep, or is it enough to stop a couple of reps short of failure?
Why are people drawn to clean eating?
Every week there is another thing you need to cut out. One week it's dairy, the next week it's meat.
Sprint Interval Training for Older Adults
SIT can improve glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, crucial factors in preventing or managing age-related conditions like diabetes. This is important because aging is often accompanied by an increased risk of insulin resistance.
5 Myths that need to stop in 2024.
You've probably heard a lot of different opinions on diets, best exercise, recovery tools and other hacks last year...
Are You Fully Recovered?
By recognising the signs of incomplete recovery and implementing practical strategies to enhance your recovery process, you'll be better equipped to make consistent progress towards your fitness goals.
The Impact of Supervised vs. Unsupervised Resistance Training.
The supervised group demonstrated significant increases in muscle thickness, particularly in the triceps, all regions of the rectus femoris (quadricep muscle), and the proximal area of the vastus lateralis (quadricep muscle).
Making the Most of Your Workout Time
Actually, working out that much can slow down progress instead of speeding it up. Lots of research shows that the best results come from working out less than five hours a week, and often even less than four hours.
Electromagnetic resistance: Is there a need?
Electromagnetic resistance vs other methods - What is better?
Beyond the Gym: Key Strategies for Weight Loss and Muscle Building
Key strategies for weightloss
Training to Momentary Muscular Failure: Is It Dangerous?
Critics argue that pushing muscles to MMF can be dangerous and increase the risk of injury due to the potential for overexertion and inadequate recovery. Let's explain why it is not dangerous...